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2024-11-13 05:46:39 +00:00
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import torch
def data_visualizer(img, idx_to_class, path, bbox=None, pred=None):
Data visualizer on the original image. Support both GT box input and proposal input.
- img: PIL Image input
- idx_to_class: Mapping from the index (0-19) to the class name
- bbox: GT bbox (in red, optional), a tensor of shape Nx5, where N is
the number of GT boxes, 5 indicates (x_tl, y_tl, x_br, y_br, class)
- pred: Predicted bbox (in green, optional), a tensor of shape N'x6, where
N' is the number of predicted boxes, 6 indicates
(x_tl, y_tl, x_br, y_br, class, object confidence score)
img_copy = np.array(img).astype('uint8')
if bbox is not None:
for bbox_idx in range(bbox.shape[0]):
one_bbox = bbox[bbox_idx][:4].numpy().astype('int')
cv2.rectangle(img_copy, (one_bbox[0], one_bbox[1]), (one_bbox[2],
one_bbox[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
if bbox.shape[1] > 4: # if class info provided
obj_cls = idx_to_class[bbox[bbox_idx][4].item()]
cv2.putText(img_copy, '%s' % (obj_cls),
(one_bbox[0], one_bbox[1]+15),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), thickness=1)
if pred is not None:
for bbox_idx in range(pred.shape[0]):
one_bbox = pred[bbox_idx][:4].numpy().astype('int')
cv2.rectangle(img_copy, (one_bbox[0], one_bbox[1]), (one_bbox[2],
one_bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
if pred.shape[1] > 4: # if class and conf score info provided
obj_cls = idx_to_class[pred[bbox_idx][4].item()]
conf_score = pred[bbox_idx][5].item()
cv2.putText(img_copy, '%s, %.2f' % (obj_cls, conf_score),
(one_bbox[0], one_bbox[1]+15),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), thickness=1)
def coord_trans(bbox, bbox_batch_idx, w_pixel, h_pixel, w_amap=7, h_amap=7, mode='a2p'):
Coordinate transformation function. It converts the box coordinate from
the image coordinate system to the activation map coordinate system and vice versa.
In our case, the input image will have a few hundred of pixels in
width/height while the activation map is of size 7x7.
- bbox: Could be either bbox, anchor, or proposal, of shape Mx4
- bbox_batch_idx: Index of the image that each bbox belongs to, of shape M
- w_pixel: Number of pixels in the width side of the original image, of shape B
- h_pixel: Number of pixels in the height side of the original image, of shape B
- w_amap: Number of pixels in the width side of the activation map, scalar
- h_amap: Number of pixels in the height side of the activation map, scalar
- mode: Whether transfer from the original image to activation map ('p2a') or
the opposite ('a2p')
- resized_bbox: Resized box coordinates, of the same shape as the input bbox
assert mode in ('p2a', 'a2p'), 'invalid coordinate transformation mode!'
assert bbox.shape[-1] >= 4, 'the transformation is applied to the first 4 values of dim -1'
if bbox.shape[0] == 0: # corner cases
return bbox
resized_bbox = bbox.clone()
if mode == 'p2a':
# pixel to activation
width_ratio = w_pixel[bbox_batch_idx] * 1. / w_amap
height_ratio = h_pixel[bbox_batch_idx] * 1. / h_amap
resized_bbox[:, [0, 2]] /= width_ratio.view(-1, 1)
resized_bbox[:, [1, 3]] /= height_ratio.view(-1, 1)
# activation to pixel
width_ratio = w_pixel[bbox_batch_idx] * 1. / w_amap
height_ratio = h_pixel[bbox_batch_idx] * 1. / h_amap
resized_bbox[:, [0, 2]] *= width_ratio.view(-1, 1)
resized_bbox[:, [1, 3]] *= height_ratio.view(-1, 1)
return resized_bbox
def generate_anchor(anc_per_grid, grid):
Anchor generator.
- anc_per_grid: Tensor of shape (A, 2) giving the shapes of anchor boxes to
consider at each point in the grid. anc_per_grid[a] = (w, h) gives the width
and height of the a'th anchor shape.
- grid: Tensor of shape (B, H', W', 2) giving the (x, y) coordinates of the
center of each feature from the backbone feature map. This is the tensor
returned from GenerateGrid.
- anchors: Tensor of shape (B, A, H', W', 4) giving the positions of all
anchor boxes for the entire image. anchors[b, a, h, w] is an anchor box
centered at grid[b, h, w], whose shape is given by anc[a]; we parameterize
boxes as anchors[b, a, h, w] = (x_tl, y_tl, x_br, y_br), where (x_tl, y_tl)
and (x_br, y_br) give the xy coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right
corners of the box.
A, _ = anc_per_grid.shape
B, H, W, _ = grid.shape
anc_per_grid =
anc_per_grid = anc_per_grid.view(1, A, 1, 1, -1).repeat(B, 1, H, W, 1)
grid = grid.view(B, 1, H, W, -1).repeat(1, A, 1, 1, 1)
x1y1 = grid - anc_per_grid / 2
x2y2 = grid + anc_per_grid / 2
anchors =[x1y1, x2y2], dim=-1)
return anchors
def compute_iou(anchors, bboxes):
Compute the intersection-over-union between anchors and gts.
- anchors: Anchor boxes, of shape (M, 4), where M is the number of proposals
- bboxes: GT boxes of shape (N, 4), where N is the number of GT boxes,
4 indicates (x_{lr}^{gt}, y_{lr}^{gt}, x_{rb}^{gt}, y_{rb}^{gt})
- iou: IoU matrix of shape (M, N)
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iou = None
2024-11-13 05:46:39 +00:00
# TODO: Given anchors and gt bboxes, #
# compute the iou between each anchor and gt bbox. #
2024-11-19 05:33:01 +00:00
M = anchors.shape[0]
N = bboxes.shape[0]
# Extract the coordinates of the anchors and bboxes
# Expand dimensions to compute pairwise IoU
anchors = anchors.reshape(M, 1, 4)
bboxes = bboxes.reshape(1, N, 4)
#extract (x,y) of left_down and right_up points
x1_a, y1_a, x2_a, y2_a = anchors[:,:, 0], anchors[:,:, 1], anchors[:,:, 2], anchors[:,:, 3]
x1_b, y1_b, x2_b, y2_b = bboxes[:,:, 0], bboxes[:,:, 1], bboxes[:,:, 2], bboxes[:,:, 3]
# Compute the intersection coordinates
inter_x1 = torch.max(x1_a, x1_b)
inter_y1 = torch.max(y1_a, y1_b)
inter_x2 = torch.min(x2_a, x2_b)
inter_y2 = torch.min(y2_a, y2_b)
# Compute the intersection area
inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_x2 - inter_x1,min=0) * torch.clamp(inter_y2 - inter_y1,min=0)
# Compute the area of anchors and bboxes
anchor_area = (x2_a - x1_a) * (y2_a - y1_a) # Shape (M, 1)
bbox_area = (x2_b - x1_b) * (y2_b - y1_b) # Shape (1, N)
# Compute the union area
union_area = anchor_area + bbox_area - inter_area
# Compute IoU
iou = inter_area / union_area
2024-11-13 05:46:39 +00:00
return iou
def compute_offsets(anchors, bboxes):
Compute the offsets between anchors and gts.
- anchors: Anchor boxes, of shape (M, 4)
- bboxes: GT boxes of shape (M, 4),
4 indicates (x_{lr}^{gt}, y_{lr}^{gt}, x_{rb}^{gt}, y_{rb}^{gt})
- offsets: offsets of shape (M, 4)
wh_offsets = torch.log((bboxes[:, 2:4] - bboxes[:, :2]) \
/ (anchors[:, 2:4] - anchors[:, :2]))
xy_offsets = (bboxes[:, :2] + bboxes[:, 2:4] - \
anchors[:, :2] - anchors[:, 2:4]) / 2.
xy_offsets /= (anchors[:, 2:4] - anchors[:, :2])
offsets =, wh_offsets), dim=-1)
return offsets
def generate_proposal(anchors, offsets):
Proposal generator.
- anchors: Anchor boxes, of shape (M, 4). Anchors are represented
by the coordinates of their top-left and bottom-right corners.
- offsets: Transformations of shape (M, 4) that will be used to
convert anchor boxes into region proposals. The transformation
offsets[m] = (tx, ty, tw, th) will be applied to the anchor
- proposals: Region proposals of shape (M, 4), represented by the
coordinates of their top-left and bottom-right corners. Applying the
transform offsets[m] to the anchor[m] should give the
proposal proposals[m].
proposals = None
# TODO: Given anchor coordinates and the proposed offset for each anchor, #
# compute the proposal coordinates using the transformation formulas above. #
# Replace "pass" statement with your code
2024-11-19 06:11:54 +00:00
x1, y1, x2, y2 =anchors[:, 0], anchors[:, 1], anchors[:, 2], anchors[:, 3]
pw = x2 - x1
ph = y2 - y1
px = x1 + 0.5 * pw
py = y1 + 0.5 * ph
tx, ty, tw, th = offsets[:, 0], offsets[:, 1], offsets[:, 2], offsets[:, 3]
proposal_x = px + tx * pw
proposal_y = py + ty * ph
proposal_w = pw * torch.exp(tw)
proposal_h = ph * torch.exp(th)
proposal_x1 = proposal_x - 0.5 * proposal_w
proposal_y1 = proposal_y - 0.5 * proposal_h
proposal_x2 = proposal_x + 0.5 * proposal_w
proposal_y2 = proposal_y + 0.5 * proposal_h
proposals = torch.stack((proposal_x1, proposal_y1, proposal_x2, proposal_y2),dim=1)
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2024-11-13 05:46:39 +00:00
return proposals
def assign_label(proposals, bboxes, background_id, pos_thresh=0.5, neg_thresh=0.5, pos_fraction=0.25):
Determine the activated (positive) and negative proposals for model training.
For Fast R-CNN - Positive proposals are defined Any of the two
(i) the proposal/proposals with the highest IoU overlap with a GT box, or
(ii) a proposal that has an IoU overlap higher than positive threshold with any GT box.
Note: One proposal can match at most one GT box (the one with the largest IoU overlapping).
We assign a negative label to a proposal if its IoU ratio is lower than
a threshold value for all GT boxes. Proposals that are neither positive nor negative
do not contribute to the training objective.
Main steps include:
i) Decide activated and negative proposals based on the IoU matrix.
ii) Compute GT confidence score/offsets/object class on the positive proposals.
iii) Compute GT confidence score on the negative proposals.
- proposal: Proposal boxes, of shape (M, 4), where M is the number of proposals
- bboxes: GT boxes of shape Nx5, where N is the number of GT boxes,
5 indicates (x_{lr}^{gt}, y_{lr}^{gt}, x_{rb}^{gt}, y_{rb}^{gt}) and class index
- background_id: Class id of the background class
- pos_thresh: Positive threshold value
- neg_thresh: Negative threshold value
- pos_fraction: a factor balancing pos/neg proposals
- activated_anc_mask: a binary mask indicating the activated proposals, of shape M
- negative_anc_mask: a binary mask indicating the negative proposals, of shape M
- GT_class: GT class category on all proposals, background class for non-activated proposals,
of shape M
- bboxes: GT bboxes on activated proposals, of shape M'x4, where M' is the number of
activated proposals
M = proposals.shape[0]
N = bboxes.shape[0]
iou_mat = compute_iou(proposals, bboxes[:, :4])
# activated/positive proposals
max_iou_per_anc, max_iou_per_anc_ind = iou_mat.max(dim=-1)
max_iou_per_box = iou_mat.max(dim=0, keepdim=True)[0]
activated_anc_mask = (iou_mat == max_iou_per_box) & (max_iou_per_box > 0)
activated_anc_mask |= (iou_mat > pos_thresh) # using the pos_thresh condition as well
activated_anc_mask = activated_anc_mask.max(dim=-1)[0] # (M, )
activated_anc_ind = torch.nonzero(activated_anc_mask.view(-1)).squeeze(-1)
# GT class
box_cls = bboxes[:, 4].long().view(1, N).expand(M, N)
# if a proposal matches multiple GT boxes, choose the box with the largest iou
GT_class = torch.gather(box_cls, -1, max_iou_per_anc_ind.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # M
GT_class[~activated_anc_mask] = background_id
# GT bboxes
bboxes_expand = bboxes[:, :4].view(1, N, 4).expand((M, N, 4))
bboxes = torch.gather(bboxes_expand, -2, max_iou_per_anc_ind.unsqueeze(-1) \
.unsqueeze(-1).expand(M, 1, 4)).view(M, 4)
bboxes = bboxes[activated_anc_ind]
# negative anchors
negative_anc_mask = (max_iou_per_anc < neg_thresh)
negative_anc_ind = torch.nonzero(negative_anc_mask.view(-1)).squeeze(-1)
# balance pos/neg anchors, random choose
num_neg = int(activated_anc_ind.shape[0] * (1 - pos_fraction) / pos_fraction)
negative_anc_ind = negative_anc_ind[torch.randint(0, negative_anc_ind.shape[0], (num_neg,))]
negative_anc_mask = torch.zeros_like(negative_anc_mask)
negative_anc_mask[negative_anc_ind] = 1
return activated_anc_mask, negative_anc_mask, GT_class, bboxes