
212 lines
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import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
from torchvision import models
from utils import compute_offsets, assign_label, generate_proposal
from loss import ClsScoreRegression, BboxRegression
class FeatureExtractor(nn.Module):
Image feature extraction with MobileNet.
def __init__(self, reshape_size=224, pooling=False, verbose=False):
self.mobilenet = models.mobilenet_v2(pretrained=True)
self.mobilenet = nn.Sequential(*list(self.mobilenet.children())[:-1]) # Remove the last classifier
# average pooling
if pooling:
self.mobilenet.add_module('LastAvgPool', nn.AvgPool2d(math.ceil(reshape_size/32.))) # input: N x 1280 x 7 x 7
for i in self.mobilenet.named_parameters():
i[1].requires_grad = True # fine-tune all
def forward(self, img, verbose=False):
- img: Batch of resized images, of shape Nx3x224x224
- feat: Image feature, of shape Nx1280 (pooled) or Nx1280x7x7
num_img = img.shape[0]
img_prepro = img
feat = []
process_batch = 500
for b in range(math.ceil(num_img/process_batch)):
).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)) # forward and squeeze
feat =
if verbose:
print('Output feature shape: ', feat.shape)
return feat
class FastRCNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_dim=1280, hidden_dim=256, num_classes=20, \
roi_output_w=2, roi_output_h=2, drop_ratio=0.3):
assert(num_classes != 0)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.roi_output_w, self.roi_output_h = roi_output_w, roi_output_h
self.feat_extractor = FeatureExtractor()
# TODO: Declare the cls & bbox heads (in Fast R-CNN). #
# The cls & bbox heads share a sequential module with a Linear layer, #
# followed by a Dropout (p=drop_ratio), a ReLU nonlinearity and another #
# Linear layer. #
# The cls head is a Linear layer that predicts num_classes + 1 (background). #
# The det head is a Linear layer that predicts offsets(dim=4). #
# HINT: The dimension of the two Linear layers are in_dim -> hidden_dim and #
# hidden_dim -> hidden_dim. #
# Replace "pass" statement with your code
def forward(self, images, bboxes, bbox_batch_ids, proposals, proposal_batch_ids):
Training-time forward pass for our two-stage Faster R-CNN detector.
- images: Tensor of shape (B, 3, H, W) giving input images
- bboxes: Tensor of shape (N, 5) giving ground-truth bounding boxes
and category labels, from the dataloader, where N is the total number
of GT boxes in the batch
- bbox_batch_ids: Tensor of shape (N, ) giving the index (in the batch)
of the image that each GT box belongs to
- proposals: Tensor of shape (M, 4) giving the proposals for input images,
where M is the total number of proposals in the batch
- proposal_batch_ids: Tensor of shape (M, ) giving the index of the image
that each proposals belongs to
- total_loss: Torch scalar giving the overall training loss.
w_cls = 1 # for cls_scores
w_bbox = 1 # for offsets
total_loss = None
# TODO: Implement the forward pass of Fast R-CNN. #
# A few key steps are outlined as follows: #
# i) Extract image fearure. #
# ii) Perform RoI Align on proposals, then meanpool the feature in the #
# spatial dimension. #
# iii) Pass the RoI feature through the shared-fc layer. Predict #
# classification scores ans box offsets. #
# iv) Assign the proposals with targets of each image. #
# v) Compute the cls_loss between the predicted class_prob and GT_class #
# (For poistive & negative proposals) #
# Compute the bbox_loss between the offsets and GT_offsets #
# (For positive proposals) #
# Compute the total_loss which is formulated as: #
# total_loss = w_cls*cls_loss + w_bbox*bbox_loss. #
# Replace "pass" statement with your code
B, _, H, W = images.shape
# extract image feature
# perform RoI Pool & mean pool
# forward heads, get predicted cls scores & offsets
# assign targets with proposals
pos_masks, neg_masks, GT_labels, GT_bboxes = [], [], [], []
for img_idx in range(B):
# get the positive/negative proposals and corresponding
# GT box & class label of this image
# compute loss
return total_loss
def inference(self, images, proposals, proposal_batch_ids, thresh=0.5, nms_thresh=0.7):
Inference-time forward pass for our two-stage Faster R-CNN detector
- images: Tensor of shape (B, 3, H, W) giving input images
- proposals: Tensor of shape (M, 4) giving the proposals for input images,
where M is the total number of proposals in the batch
- proposal_batch_ids: Tensor of shape (M, ) giving the index of the image
that each proposals belongs to
- thresh: Threshold value on confidence probability. HINT: You can convert the
classification score to probability using a softmax nonlinearity.
- nms_thresh: IoU threshold for NMS
We can output a variable number of predicted boxes per input image.
In particular we assume that the input images[i] gives rise to P_i final
predicted boxes.
- final_proposals: List of length (B,) where final_proposals[i] is a Tensor
of shape (P_i, 4) giving the coordinates of the final predicted boxes for
the input images[i]
- final_conf_probs: List of length (B,) where final_conf_probs[i] is a
Tensor of shape (P_i, 1) giving the predicted probabilites that the boxes
in final_proposals[i] are objects (vs background)
- final_class: List of length (B,), where final_class[i] is an int64 Tensor
of shape (P_i, 1) giving the predicted category labels for each box in
final_proposals, final_conf_probs, final_class = None, None, None
# TODO: Predicting the final proposal coordinates `final_proposals`, #
# confidence scores `final_conf_probs`, and the class index `final_class`. #
# The overall steps are similar to the forward pass, but now you cannot #
# decide the activated nor negative proposals without GT boxes. #
# You should apply post-processing (thresholding and NMS) to all proposals #
# and keep the final proposals. #
# Replace "pass" statement with your code
B = images.shape[0]
# extract image feature
# perform RoI Pool & mean pool
# forward heads, get predicted cls scores & offsets
# get predicted boxes & class label & confidence probability
final_proposals = []
final_conf_probs = []
final_class = []
# post-process to get final predictions
for img_idx in range(B):
# filter by threshold
# nms
return final_proposals, final_conf_probs, final_class